홍익대학교 섬유미술패션디자인과

HONGIK Textile Art Fashion Design

Cho Jaewon

Pebbility, 2021

Size: 137 x 89 cm / 54 x 35 inch
Technique: Tapestry


©︎2021 Cho Jaewon. All Rights Reserved.

Like the title ‘Pebbility,’ which is a combination of ‘pebble’, ‘infinity’, and ‘possibility’, I ponder over the infinite possibilities of ‘me’ and my social relationships.

Pebbility, 2021

©︎2021 Cho Jaewon. All Rights Reserved.

This work is a depiction of individuals and their social relationships. Through ‘stones’, various human relationships as well as emotions and thought that derive from them are expressed abstractly. Furthermore, it captures how an individual changes through various human interactions in life. Like the title ‘Pebbility,’ which is a combination of ‘pebble’, ‘infinity’, and ‘possibility’, I ponder over the infinite possibilities of ‘me’ and my social relationships.

개인과 그들이 속한 사회적 관계에 대한 작업이다. ‘돌’을 이용해, 사람 간의 다양한 관계와 그로부터 파생된 감정 그리고 생각을 추상적으로 표현했다. 나아가 타인과 더불어 살아가는 삶 속에서 변화하는 개인의 모습을 담았다. ‘Pebble’과 ‘infinity’ 그리고 ’possibility’를 결합한 ‘Pebbility’라는 제목처럼 ‘나’와 내가 속해있는 관계의 무한성에 대해 생각해 보고자 한다.

这是一个关于个人与他们所属社会关系的工作.使用‘石头’抽象地表现出了人与人之间复杂多样的关系和从此延伸出来的感情和想法.并且也讲述了与他们共同生活的过程中发生变化的个人面貌. 就像结合‘Pebble’和‘infinity’还有‘possibility’的题目‘Pebbility’一样,我想思考一下‘我’与我所属的关系中的无限性。

94, Wausan-ro, Mapo-gu, Seoul, 04066, Korea / Tel. +82 320 1225 (AM 9:00~PM 6:00)