홍익대학교 섬유미술패션디자인과

HONGIK Textile Art Fashion Design



Kim Sori 

Coexistence, 2020

Size: 89.4 x 130.3cm / 35 x 51inches I Dog’s outfit 30cm / 11inches I Cushion 50 x 50cm / 19 x 19inches
Technique : Hand Drawing, Digital Textile Print


©︎2020 Kim Sori. All Rights Reserved.

I designed the artwork with the pattern made based on the relationship between humans and animals that rely on each other emotionally.

Coexistence, 2020

©︎2020 Kim Sori. All Rights Reserved.

The concept of the artwork is 'coexistence'. We previously used the term 'pets' because the house animals were meant to entertain people. But now, they are defined as the beings like 'friends' and'family' that live with people and give us a sense of psychological stability and intimacy, so we call them companion animals. In accordance with this phenomena, I designed the artwork with the pattern made based on the relationship between humans and animals that rely on each other emotionally. The concept, 'coexistence' was described by using  many coexisting elements of nature as a motif. In addition, using a collage technique, I intended  people and animals to look like being one .

컨셉은 coexistence이다. 예전에는 사람들에게 즐거움을 주기 위한 존재로서 애완동물이라고 불렸지만, 지금은 사람과 더불어 살아가며 심리적 안정감과 친밀함을 주는 '친구' '가족' 같은 존재로서 반려동물이라고 불린다. 이렇게 서로 정서적으로 의지하며 살아가는 인간과 동물의 관계를 패턴으로 개발하여 작품을 만들었다. 이 세상에 함께 공존하며 살아가는 많은 자연의 모습들을 모티브로 하였고, 사람과 동물의 모습을 콜라주하여 하나의 모습처럼 보이게 하는 기법을 사용하여 공존이라는 주제를 표현하였다.

主题是共存‘coexistence’。过去宠物的存在只是给人们带来快乐。但现在,宠物则被称为‘朋友’、‘家人’, 和人们生活在一起,给我们一种心理上的稳定和亲密感,所以我们称它们为伴侣动物。这样在情绪上相互依赖的人与动物的关系作为形式,制作出了作品。通过世界上许多共存的自然元素来表达“共存”这一主题。另外,使用了拼贴艺术,使人与动物合二为一。

94, Wausan-ro, Mapo-gu, Seoul, 04066, Korea / Tel. +82 320 1225 (AM 9:00~PM 6:00)