홍익대학교 섬유미술패션디자인과

HONGIK Textile Art Fashion Design



Bae Yoonhyung

The Middle Child, 2020

Material 1: Padded Nylon Fabric
Material 2: Puff additive Silkscreen
Technique : Puff additive Silkscreened and stitched on Padded Nylon fabric


©︎2020 Bae Yoonhyung. All Rights Reserved.

The position we feel at which we are placed, is to be as free as a kid but not to act like one, and also have the skills of an adult but to realize we aren’t completely grown up.

The Middle Child, 2020

©︎2020 Bae Yoonhyung. All Rights Reserved.

Stuck between the now stable but once responsible for the uprise of many iconic sub cultures, “Generation X”, and the born and raised in a tech savvy world, “Generation Z”, we Millennials (or, also Generation Y) have to learn to manage both the analog and digital ways to survive. The position we feel at which we are placed, is to be as free as a kid but not to act like one, and also have the skills of an adult but to realize we aren’t completely grown up. The hardships millennials have to put up with: to find each individual’s distinctiveness, economic stability, and to pursue dreams while also having to learn how to change in order to do so, is expressed through the combination of different colored fabrics and the white puff silkscreen linking them together with streaky lines.

추억 속의 ‘개성세대’, 이제는 안정적인 기성세대가 된 ‘X세대’와 넘쳐나는 기술/정보가 이미 당연하고 만연한 세상에 태어나 바로 이용할 줄 아는 ‘Z세대’, 그리고 그 사이에 애매하게 껴서 아날로그와 디지털 모두를 익히며 살아야 앞으로도 살아남을 수 있는 ‘Y세대’ 혹은 ‘밀레니얼 세대’의 우리들. 우리가 느끼는 현 세상에서 스스로의 위치: 아이와 같지만 아이처럼 행동해서는 안 되고, 어른 같지만 아직 어른이라고 하기에는 어린 우리들. 우리의 개성과 안정성 그리고 또 변화를 추구하며 살아야 하는 밀레니얼 세대들의 고충을 조각을 모은 형태의 디자인으로 표현하였다.


94, Wausan-ro, Mapo-gu, Seoul, 04066, Korea / Tel. +82 320 1225 (AM 9:00~PM 6:00)