홍익대학교 섬유미술패션디자인과

HONGIK Textile Art Fashion Design

Kim Eunji

Node, 2021

Material 1: Cotton, Nylon, E-string
Material 2: Nylon, Polyester, E-string
Technique: Coiling, Digital Textile Printing


©︎2021 Kim Eunji. All Rights Reserved.

As such, emotions are bipolar, and these properties are maintained in a balanced manner in an interdependent relationship with each other rather than in conflict.

Node, 2021

©︎2021 Kim Eunji. All Rights Reserved.

Life is full of various emotions. Sometimes it is uncontrollably enjoyable, sometimes it is captured by intense emotions, and sometimes it falls into uncontrollable depression. As such, emotions are bipolar, and these properties are maintained in a balanced manner in an interdependent relationship with each other rather than in conflict. The balance of emotions was applied to the concept of "chakra," which is important in yoga, one of the physical trainings in ancient India, and the forms of various emotions were expressed in various colors. 

삶은 다양한 감정으로 가득하다. 주체할 수없이 즐겁기도 하고 때로는 격앙된 감정에 사로잡히기도 하며, 또 걷잡을 수 없는 우울감에 빠지기도 한다. 이렇듯 감정은 양극성을 띠는데, 이러한 성질은 서로 대립적인 관계가 아닌 상호 의존적 관계를 가지며 균형을 이루며 유지된다. 감정들의 균형을 고대 인도의 신체 수련 중 하나인 요가에서 중요시되는 “차크라’ 개념에 접목시켜 보았고, 다양한 감정의 형태를 여러 색감으로 표현하였다.


94, Wausan-ro, Mapo-gu, Seoul, 04066, Korea / Tel. +82 320 1225 (AM 9:00~PM 6:00)