홍익대학교 섬유미술패션디자인과

HONGIK Textile Art Fashion Design



Lee Seungjoo

The Death Of Narcissist, 2020

Material 1: Silk, Oganza    
Material 2: Polyester    
Technique: Digital Textile Printing 


©︎2020 Lee Seungjoo. All Rights Reserved.

Self love, a point where even though it is considered taboo, it eventually arrives, a place where narcissism is revealed.

The Death Of Narcissist, 2020

©︎2020 Lee Seungjoo. All Rights Reserved.
Self love, a point where even though it is considered taboo, it eventually arrives, a place where narcissism is revealed. In other words, it means a state where the psychological state of narcissism is toward the outside (exhibition). It takes the form of projecting and proving one's existence somewhere, and has a shape that overlaps by repeating a series of self expressions. The self, faced with the situation where wanting to expose and hide one self at the same time. I intended to describe the situation where the one even lost his theme he tried to describe with revealing all his irresistible choices that he had made. The endless revealing self awareness, facing with the fate to be ugly in the end.
A state of immersion, where the psychological state of self love is directed inward through the constant self consciousness and its expression. The self revealed unto the outside is consumed and
deteriorated through various incidents.
In the meanwhile it's transformed and then its perception altered accordingly. What existed by exhibited and exposed forms and image s were burnt out at once, becoming ash and sinking to the bottom for an instant. Each person should choose whether to exhibit or immerse the self awareness at every moment, or to show the procedure of progressing after the stat e of immersion.

터부시되는가 싶다가도 결국 도착하게 되는 지점은 자기애(自己愛), 나르시시즘을 띄는 곳이다. 즉, 자기애라는 심리 상태가 바깥(전람,展覽)으로 향해있을 때의 상태를 의미한다. 자신의 존재를 어딘가에 기필코 투영하고 증명하는 형태를 취한다. 일련의 자기표현들을 반복해가며 중첩하는 형상을 띤다. 그로부터 표출하고 싶고 동시에 감추고 싶어하는 자가당착의 상황, 주체마저 불분명해져가며, 택해야만 혹은 택할 수밖에 없었던 방식 등을 모두 드러내는 사람의 모습 형상화하였다. 추(醜)로 달려가는 끊임없는 자신에 대한 인식의 연속과 반복들을 표현하고자 하였다.
끊임없던 스스로에 대한 의식과 표출의 과정을 거쳐 자기애(自己愛)라는 심리상태가 안쪽(침전,沈殿)으로 향해있을 때의 상태, 곧 침전의 상태. 드러난 자신은 여러 가지 경로들을 통해 소비되고 열화되어가며 형태의 변형, 인식의 변형으로 이전하게 된다. 기존의 전시되고 표현된 형식과 이미지는 단숨에 연소하며 바닥에 가라앉아 쌓이게 되는 모습을 보인다. 현장에서 각자가 선택해야 할 기로는 전람(展覽)인지 침전(沈殿)인지, 혹은 침전의 상태 이후에 진행될 과정인지.


94, Wausan-ro, Mapo-gu, Seoul, 04066, Korea / Tel. +82 320 1225 (AM 9:00~PM 6:00)