홍익대학교 섬유미술패션디자인과

HONGIK Textile Art Fashion Design

Shin Eunji

정반합 (Thesis, Antithesis, Synthesis), 2021

Material 1: Cotton
Material 2: Cotton
Material (head piece): Acrylic
Technique: Silk screen, Quilting


©︎2021 Shin Eunji. All Rights Reserved.

With the question of "How did we become the last surviving human beings through successful adaptation?" I developed the design using the concept of 'thesis, antithesis, and synthesis'.

정반합 (Thesis, Antithesis, Synthesis), 2021

©︎2021 Shin Eunji. All Rights Reserved.

‘Thesis, antithesis, and synthesis’ is the process in which the thesis, an argument that is made first, is contradicted with an antithesis, another argument that contradicts the thesis, is integrated into a higher comprehensive argument, the synthesis. With the question of "How did we become the last surviving human beings through successful adaptation?" I developed the design using the concept of 'thesis, antithesis, and synthesis'. The circle represents the "thesis" and the square represents the "antithesis," and the various forms of "synthesis" that combines and divides the two represent humans who have succeeded in evolving and will come next. 

‘정반합’이란 처음 주장인 정(正)에 모순되는 다른 주장인 반(反)이, 더 높은 종합적인 주장인 합(合)에 통합되는 과정이다. ‘우리는 어떻게 성공적인 적응을 통해 최후의 살아남은 인간이 되었는가?’라는 질문을 놓고 ‘정반합’ 개념을 활용하여 디자인을 전개해보았다. 원은 '정'을, 사각형은 '반'을 나타내고 이 둘을 합하고 나눈 다양한 형태의 '합'은 진화에 성공한, 다음에 올 인간을 상징한다.

‘正反合’是与原有主张(正)矛盾的另一个主张(反)达到更综合性主张(合)的过程. 对于‘我们是如何通过圆满地适应成为了最后生存的人类?’的疑问,利用‘正反合’的概念展开了设计构造. 圆意味着'正', 四边形意味着'反',将两个合在一起的'合'象征着成功进化的, 即下一代人类。

94, Wausan-ro, Mapo-gu, Seoul, 04066, Korea / Tel. +82 320 1225 (AM 9:00~PM 6:00)