홍익대학교 섬유미술패션디자인과

HONGIK Textile Art Fashion Design

Zhou Miaole

The world of psycho / 사이코의세상 / 精神病的世界, 2021

Material 1: Organza, Leather, Canvas, Eyelet, Zipper
Material 2: Organza. Leather, Canvas, Eyelet, Zipper
Technique: Eyeleting


©︎2021 Zhou Miaole. All Rights Reserved.

There is no need to be afraid of being isolated from another’s world.

The world of psycho / 사이코의세상 / 精神病的世界, 2021

©︎2021 Zhou Miaole. All Rights Reserved.

Is mental illness a real mental illness? What is the definition of mental illness? Are we psychotic in the eyes of the mentally ill? Or are they perceived as mental illness by the public because they are a minority, or maybe we are mentally ill? Perhaps their world has its own colorful world, contrary to what we think. If the perspective is different, the attitude toward the problem is different, and the definition of myself made by others and who I think I am are different. The aesthetic standards of each individual are also different. When various beauty exists, people appreciate different beauty and ordinariness becomes special too. Everyone has their own world, so there is no need to be afraid of being isolated from another’s world. 

정신병이 정말 정신병인가?정신병의 정의는 무엇인가?정신병자의 눈에는 우리가 정신병인 것 아닌가?아니면 소수의 사람들이 정신병이라고 인식되기 때문이겠지만 우리는 정신병인가.어쩌면 그들의 세계는 우리가 생각하는 것만큼 그들만의 다양하지 않을까.입장이 달라야 문제가 달라지는데, 나에 대한 다른 사람의 정의와 나에 대한 생각이 다르다.사람마다 모두 자신의 심미는 있지만, 기준도  다르다.다양한 심미가 있으면 누군가는 다른 아름다움을 감상하게 되고, 평범함도 특별해진다.누구나 자신의 세계가 있으니 남의 세계로부터 고립되는 것을 두려워할 필요는 없다.


94, Wausan-ro, Mapo-gu, Seoul, 04066, Korea / Tel. +82 320 1225 (AM 9:00~PM 6:00)